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1. This is my player, dearest Lord
From my inner being I must let go
All my love and desire, to serve You more
To overcome within my days,
I must pursue You and obey
And consecrate myself to You,
For one more grasp...

Of Your embrace,
The marvelous touch,
And sweatest taste
I'll seek You all my days!

2. Minha oração é Senhor
Mais do meu ser eu Te dou
Agora quero me render, pra Ti viver!
Ao caminhar, Te quero ouvir
Em meu espir'to sempre sentir
A Tua vontade queimar
Me saturar!

Ó meu Senhor
Para te servir!
Cresce mais em mim!

3. My goal: an overcomer be
And be with you for eternity
The Church, your bride and loving wife,
Complete with Thee
Deny ourselves for you to grow
From our inward being You must overflow
And us, together as the Church
To Reign with You

Oh Dearest Lord
Our goal and our
Highest Reward!
Help us to overcome!

To pursue You and obey
To overcome within my days
I'll call You!
To overcome within my days
To pursue You and obey
Lord Jesus!